From IT Internship to Network Technician Full Time: How I Landed the Gig

After realizing no one was going to make it easy for me, I attempted my THIRD (yes 3rd) IT internship course.

That college IT internship landed me a gig with the number one IT consulting service in Boone County, AR.

Here, I unpack how.

Tools of IT

Firstly, there are not an overflow of IT internships available in Carroll County. The first semester I enrolled in the internship course – I withdrew from said course. My work schedule conflicted.

Still had to pay. (I hate that.)

The second semester attempt, I completed a majority of the IT intern online coursework, yet my teacher was unable to secure a position for me in good ole Carroll County, AR.

Yeah that money gone.

IT Technicians are hard working. So, I decided I would work harder at making this third attempt successful.

I mean, I am the one paying. No one said it would be easy to land a network technician job.

Landed an interview for Information Technology intern with the electric company. Did not get the position.

Ladies at the library were already hoping to hire me as Summer IT intern if the electric co. did not work out. So I took them up on the offer.

IT consulting services I provided the library included wire repairs, ethernet network troubleshooting and wireless network solutions.

The main distribution room had good brands of equipment but needed service for a blown switch.

Testing Equipment

I asked the IT Technician repairing the switch for his bosses number. The rest is history.

Working for the most well known IT consultant in Boone County, AR was great. My very first Network Technician job ever!

I was attending college full time and managing between homework, class, being an IT technician full time, and trying to stay healthy (not to mention the commute sucks caca).

Despite my hectic schedule being so complicated, I proved to myself that I can really do this IT networks technician job.

Now, back to focusing full-time…. on securing my degree.


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